Our location in Groningen

GITP placeholder

Contact details

Customer service​

088-448 70 00​

​Participant Service & Planning​
088-448 77 00​

visiting address

Van Elmptstraat 10
9723 ZL Groningen

050 - 525 60 00

The entrance can be reached via the parking lot, at the rear of the building. You can take the elevator directly to the third floor.


From the direction of Assen/Emmen (A28)

At the junction Julianaplein, turn right onto the N7, in the direction of Hoogezand. Then take the third exit, number 38 Euroborg. After 180 m keep right on the Europaweg. After 360 m turn right to Boumaboulevard. After 80 m on the Boumaboulevard, turn right to the Van Elmptstraat. For parking see below.

From the direction of Drachten (A7) or Zuidhorn (N355)

At the junction Julianaplein you go straight ahead, in which you get in the right lane for straight ahead. Then take the third exit, number 38 Euroborg. After 180 m keep right on the Europaweg. After 360 m turn right to Boumaboulevard. After 80 m on the Boumaboulevard, turn right to the Van Elmptstraat. For parking see below.

From the direction of Hoogezand (A7)

From the A7, take exit 39 in the direction of Groningen-Centrum (2 roundabouts one after the other). After 2.5 km turn left, exit Euroborg, Europapark. After 80 m turn right into Van Elmptstraat. For parking see below.

From Winsum (N361) or Bedum (N46)

Follow the Groningen ring (N46) in the direction of Assen. Then take exit 38 Euroborg. At the end of the exit turn left and left again at the traffic lights. After 360 m turn right to Boumaboulevard. After 80 m on the Boumaboulevard, turn right to the Van Elmptstraat. For parking see below.


Parking is only possible in parking space P2 (paid parking: € 1.50 per hour). You will find P2 opposite the building at Van Elmptstraat 10.


From the direction of Winschoten you can get off at Groningen Europapark station. From the other directions you can take the train towards Hoogezand (platform 1-B) via Groningen Main Station. Then get off at Groningen Europapark station. Walk along the Boumaboulevard and take the last street on the left, Van Elmptstraat. The GITP Location Groningen is located on your right after 120 meters. This is about a 10 minute walk. You can also take the city bus line 8 at Groningen Central Station, from the opposite bus station. This one goes to the Europa Park. Get off at the Boumaboulevard stop. From there it is about a 5 minute walk to Van Elmptstraat 10.

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2025 GITP.nl

GITP is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified

Iso 9001 2015
Iso 27001